Type of service

Air transport, sports, insurance, mobility, insurance risk, transport policy, infrastructure management
opinion, assessment, audit, Procedure/documentation development, product development, monitoring, analysis, research, expertise, training/workshops, business plan, evaluation, measurement
economics/finance, environmental protection, management
University of Gdańsk (Poland)

Analysis of surfaces and chemical composition of materials
analysis, research, expertise, measurement
environmental protection, medicine, physics, pharmaceuticals
University of Split (Croatia)

Assessment, analysis, research, expertise, measurement
assessment, Procedure/documentation development, analysis, research, expertise, training/workshops
economics/finance, environmental protection, waste management
University of Malta (Malta)

Bioactive compound screening on keratinocyte and/or T lymphocyte models; Lysosomal identity survey
opinion, assessment, Procedure/documentation development, analysis, research, expertise, training/workshops, evaluation, internships/apprenticeships, measurement
biology, medicine, pharmaceuticals
University of Gdańsk (Poland)

analysis, research, expertise
chemistry, biology, oceanography, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals
Université de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest (France)

Biomolecular simulations; Molecular modeling of proteins and protein-ligand interactions
chemistry, biology, medicine, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals
University of Gdańsk (Poland)

Conservation restoration
opinion, assessment, training/workshops
art sciences
University of Split (Croatia)

opinion, assessment, research, expertise, training/workshops
art sciences, cultural heritage
University of Split (Croatia)

Curriculum Development, Research and Training in Education for Sustainability
opinion, assessment, monitoring, research, expertise, training/workshops, evaluation, internships/apprenticeships, measurement
environmental protection, pedagogy, education for sustainable development, social enterprise
University of Malta (Malta)

Detecting unknown compounds in food, environment and forensic samples
analysis, research, measurement, forensics
environmental protection, chemistry, biology, medicine, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals
University of Split (Croatia)

Determination of composition and quantity of different analytes in samples
analysis, research, expertise, measurement
environmental protection, chemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals
University of Split (Croatia)

Diving education
monitoring, research
oceanography, pedagogy, sport, diving
University of Split (Croatia)

Dyslexia and literacy
opinion, product development, research, training/workshops, evaluation
University of Gdańsk (Poland)

Equasa : Studies on the Quality and Safety of Food
analysis, research, expertise
Université de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest (France)

Fossil Resins Workshops / inclusions id
research, training/workshops, inclusions id
University of Gdańsk (Poland)

Fossil resins worksops / inclusions ID
research, training/workshops
University of Gdańsk (Poland)

Geographical Information Systems – Spatial Analysis Services in the Field of Socio-Economic Geography
analysis, research
University of Gdańsk (Poland)

Human Resource Management Consulting
opinion, assessment, audit, analysis, research, expertise, training/workshops, measurement
economics/finance, management, psychology, sustainable management
University of Gdańsk (Poland)

Hyperion : HYPE Research in Immunology and ONcology
analysis, research, expertise
Université de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest (France)

Imaging and Microscopy Measurement platform
analysis, research, expertise, measurement
biology, medicine, oceanography
Université de Bretagne Occidentale in Brest (France)

Industrial Vibration Analysis.
assessment, Procedure/documentation development, monitoring, analysis, research, training/workshops, internships/apprenticeships, measurement
management, physics, instrumentation and measurement
University of Cádiz (Spain)

Industrial Vibration Analysis. Non-destructive tests based on Acoustic Emissions. Insect Emissions. Test and Measurement Applications
assessment, Procedure/documentation development, monitoring, analysis, research, training/workshops, internships/apprenticeships, measurement
management, physics, instrumentation and measurement
University of Cádiz (Spain)

Energy Performance of Buildings
opinion, assessment, monitoring, analysis, research, expertise, training/workshops, evaluation, measurement
energy in buildings
University of Malta (Malta)

Integration workshops, 2) Anti-discrimination workshops, 3) Project evaluation, 4) social research and analysis
analysis, research, training/workshops, evaluation
psychology, pedagogy, cultural and religious sciences, social sciences
University of Gdańsk (Poland)

Investigates and simulates various processes from the domain of environmental engineering
assessment, monitoring, analysis, research, expertise
environmental protection, oceanography
University of Split (Croatia)